![]() 姓名: 许鹏
性别: 男
出生年月: 1971-01-01
导师类型: 博导
电子邮箱:email:xupeng@tongji.edu.cn; 微信号:dr_xupeng
教育背景: http://a434.tongji.edu.cn/ (许鹏教授课题组网站)
在回到同济担任教学任务之前,2001年到2009年,许鹏在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室建筑技术系担任科学家职务。许鹏多年从事暖通空调和建筑节能领域的科研工作,在有关智能建筑、建筑系统调试以及节能改造、新型建筑系统控制与监测、以及建筑能耗模拟等领域有十分丰富的工作经验,共发表科技论文三十多篇。许鹏担任美国暖通协会智能委员会主席期间,主持发起了一个建筑与智能电网界面通讯控制的研究项目。在加州能源委员会的支持下,组织并领导了一个由多个大学,包括普渡大学、加州大学伯克利分校的,实现建筑响应控制研究项目。获得加州电力公司的支持, 从事建筑热惰性的研究,开发了一种可以计算建筑动态热惰性的软件,该软件被加州电力公司采用。在美国国家自然科学基金的支持下,成功搭建了一套建筑控制虚拟系统,用来实现系统故障诊断和控制的优化。在美国能源部的项目支持下,发明了一套空调系统的自动故障诊断系统, 开发了全球工业品基础可互换性数据交换模式中的暖通空调系统的定义。为加州建立建筑与气候模型,预测一个未来加州100年,在不同的碳模型下,建筑峰值能耗变化的趋势。曾负责了美国能源部和中国政府的多个合作项目,包括北京奥运村的绿色认证、微能耗建筑、中国建筑能耗对标系统、世界银行支持天津既有建筑改造、北川地震重建的绿色示范项目等。
在研项目 :
1. 十三五国家重点研发计划。目标控制的前馈式绿色建筑运营管控技术。2018YFC0705903. 在研。主持
2. 十三五国家重点研发计划。 分布式综合能源系统多能耦合组件标准化建模。在研。2017YFB0903404.
3. 基于大数据的绿色建筑管理技术。国家重点研发计划培育。在研,主持。
4. 建筑设施智能巡检机器人空调故障图像识别算法研究。上海市闵行科委、企业合作。在研,主持。
4. 建筑多样化用的负荷预测算法。企业合作。在研,主持。
5. 建筑大数据分析方法。企业合作。在研,主持。
6. 佛山市政府,0809-1541CCG3A826,新能源发展规划,2016-2017,结题,主持
7. 国家科技部,SQ2015BA1202352,东部发达地区农居生产生活循环技术系统构建与ESCO模式示范,2015-2017,结题,主持
8. 美国联合技术公司,超高层建筑能源系统最优水系统配置优化与控制,2015-2016, 结题,主持
9. 美国能源基金会,G-1402-20095,商业建筑群需求响应控制示范,2014-2015,结题,主持
10. 国家发改委中国清洁发展机制基金,建筑碳排放总量控制和行动路线报告,2013-2015,结题,主持
11. 上海市,上海市中心城区大学公共建筑节能与能效监控公共服务平台创新与实践,2013-2014,结题,主持
12. 欧盟可再生能源与能效委员会,109010774,Improve energy efficiency of facility agriculture in China,2013-2014,结题,主持
13. 上海市科委,12230708900,生态建筑多种能源系统实时优化和控制系统研究与开发,2012-2014,结题,主持
14. 新奥能源集团,建筑太阳能光伏发电设施实时监控和故障诊断系统,2012-2014,结题,主持
15. 住房城乡与建设部,气候变化条件下的中国建筑能耗预测与低碳建筑技术碳排放量化评估,2011-2012,结题,主持
16. 上海市科委,建筑太阳能一体化光伏发电实时能效诊断系统,2011-2012,,结题,主持
2007年被美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室授予“Outstanding performance reward”;
更多资讯和所有论文下载,请访问 http://a434.tongji.edu.cn
61【SCI】 Yongbao Chen, Zhe Chen, Peng Xu, Weilin Li, Huajing Sha, Zhiwei Yang, Guowen Li, Chonghe Hu. Quantification of electricity flexibility in demand response: Office building case study. Energy, 2019
60【SCI】Yongbao Chen, Aditya Desai, Ferdinand Schmidt, Peng Xu. Electricity demand flexibility performance of a sorption-assisted water storage on building heating. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019
59【SCI】 Huajing Sha, Peng Xu, Zhiwei Yang, Yongbao Chen, Jixu Tang. Overview of computational intelligence for building energy system design. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 108:76-90
58【SCI】Jin Hou, Zhiwei Yang, Peng Xu, Gongsheng Huang. Design and performance evaluation of novel personal cooling garment. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 154:131-139
57【SCI】Pengyuan Shen,Mingkun Dai,Peng Xu,Wei Dong. Building heating and cooling load under different neighbourhood forms:Assessing the effect of external convective heat transfer. Energy, 2019, 173:75-91
56.【SCI】Jiefan Gu, Peng Xu, Zhihong Pang, Chen Yongbao , Ji Ying ,Chen Zhe. Extracting Typical Occupancy Data of Different Buildings from Mobile Positioning data:Energy and Buildings,2018.
55. 【SCI】Zhihong Pang,Peng Xu,Zheng O'Neill,Jiefan Gu,Shunian Qiu,Xing Lu,Xin Li.Application of mobile positioning occupancy data for building energy simulation: An engineering case study.Building and environment, 2018, 141:1-15
54.【SCI】Jin Hou,Peng Xu,Xing lu,Zhihong Pang,Yiyi Chu,Gongsheng Huang.Implementation of expansion planning in existing district energy system: A case study in China.Applied energy, 2018, 211:269-281
53.【SCI】Yiyi Chu,Peng Xu,Zhiwei Yang and Weilin Li.Retrofitting existing buildings to control indoor PM2.5 concentration on smog days: Initial experience of residential buildings in China.Building Service Engineering Research & Technology, 2017, 0(0):1-21
52.【SCI】Weilin Li,Yiyi Chu,Peng Xu,Yiyi,Zhiwei Yang,Ying Ji,Lizhou Ni,Yi Bao,Kun Wang.A transient model for the thermal inertia of chilled-water systems during demand response.Energy and Buildings, 2017, 150:383-395
51.【SCI】Chao Liu,Sen Huang,Peng Xu,Zhong-ren Peng.Exploring an integrated urban carbon dioxide (CO2) emission model and mitigation plan for new cities.Environment and Planning B:Urban Analytics and City Science, 2017, 0(0):1-21
50.【SCI】Yongbao Chen,Peng Xu,Yiyi Chu,Weilin Li,Yuntao Wu,Lizhou Ni,Yi Bao,Kun Wang.Short-term electrical load forecasting using the Support Vector Regression (SVR) model to calculate the demand response baseline for office buildings.Applied Energy, 2017, 195:659-670
49.【SCI】Weilin Li,Yongbao Chen, Peng Xu, Chirag Joshi & Ferdinand Schmidt.Research on the performance of an adsorption heat pump in winter demand response.Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2016, 00:1-8
48. 【SCI】Weilin Li, Peng Xu, Huilong Wang, Zhihong Pang.Electricity demand response in China: Status, feasible market schemes and pilots. Energy, 2016, 114:981-994
47. 【SCI】Weilin Li, Peng Xu, Huilong Wang, Xing Lu.A new method for calculating the thermal effects of irregular internalmass in buildings under demand response. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 130:761-772
46. 【SCI】Xing Lu, Peng Xu, Huilong Wang,Tao Yang,Jin Hou.Cooling potential and applications prospects of passive radiative cooling in buildings:The current state-of-the-art. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 65:1079-1097
45. 【SCI】 Ying Ji, Peng Xu, Pengfei Duan, Xing Lu. Estimating hourly cooling load in commercial buildings using a thermal network model and electricity submetering data. Applied Energy, 2016, 169(1):309-323
44. 【SCI】 Huilong Wang, Peng Xu, Xing Lu, Dengkuo Yuan. Methodology of comprehensive building energy performance diagnosis for large commercial buildings at multiple levels. Applied Energy, 2016, 169(1): 14-27
43. 【SCI】Weilin Li, Peng Xu, Feifei Jiao. Optimal Demand Response Strategy of a Portfolio of Multiple Commercial Buildings: Methods and a Case Study. Science & Technology for the Built Environment, 2016,22:655-665
42. 【SCI】Weilin Li, Peng Xu. A fast method to predict the demand response peak load reductions of commercial building. Science & Technology for the Built Environment, 2016,22:633-642
41. 【SCI】 Yangyang Fu, Peng Xu. Data-quality Detection and Recovery for Building Energy Management and Control Systems (EMCSs): Case Study on Submetering. Science & Technology for the Built Environment, 2016,22:798-809
40. 【SCI】 Ying Ji, Peng Xu, Yunyang Ye, Xing Lu, & Jiachen Mao. (2016). Energy load superposition and spatial optimization in urban design: a case study. Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 2016, 57: 26-35
39. 【SCI】 Ying Ji, Peng Xu. A bottom-up and procedural calibration method for building energy simulation models based on hourly electricity submetering data. Energy, 2015, 93:2337-2350
38. 【SCI】 Ye, Yunyang, Peng Xu, Jiachen Mao, Ying Ji. Experimental study on the effectiveness of internal shading devices. Energy & Buildings, 2015, 111(1): 154-163
37. 【SCI】 Liang Zhang, Peng Xu, Jiachen Mao, Xu Tang, Zhengwei Li, Jianguo Shi, A low cost seasonal solar soil heat storage system for greenhouse heating: Design and pilot study, Applied Energy, Volume 156,2015,213-222
36. 【SCI】 Yunyang Ye, Peng Xu, Huajing Sha, Peng Yue, Hua Zhang. ShadingPlus—a fast simulation tool for building shading analysis. Energy Efficiency, 2015.
35. 【SCI】 Peng Xu, Yang Shen, Lu Chen, Jiachen Mao, Eric Chang,Ying Ji, Assessment of energy-saving technologies retrofitted to existing public buildings in China.Energy Efficiency, Volume 08, 2015.
34. 【SCI】 Zhengwei Li, Yanming Han, Peng Xu. Methods for Benchmarking Building Energy Consumption against Its Past or Intended Performance: An Overview.Applied Energy, Volume 124,2014, 325-334.
33. 【SCI】 Ying Ji, Peng Xu, Yunyang Ye. HVAC terminal hourly end-use disaggregation in commercial buildings with Fourier series model. Energy and Buildings, Volume 97, 2015, Pages 33-46.
32. 【SCI】 Xu, P., Fisher, N., Miller, S.L., Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling to evaluate the Design of Hospital Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Systems for Inactivating Airborne Mycobacteria. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 89(4):792-798, 2013
31. 【SCI】 Peng Xu, Joe Huang, Pengyuan Shen, Xiaowen Ma, Xuefei Gao, Qiaolin Xu,Han Jiang, Yong Xiang. Commercial building energy use in six cities in Southern China. Journal of Energy Policy. Vol. 53, pp. 76-89. 2013
30. 【SCI】 Peng Xu, Tengfang Xu and Pengyuan Shen. Energy and behavioral impacts of integrative retrofits for residential buildings: What is at stake for building energy policy reforms in northern China? Journal of Energy Policy. Vol. 52, pp. 667-676. 2013
29. 【SCI】 Peng Xu, Tengfang Xu, Pengyuan Shen. Advancing evaporative rooftop packaged air conditioning: A new design and performance model development .Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 40, July 2012, Pages 8-17.
28. 【SCI】 Rongxin Yin, Peng Xu, Study on auto-demand response control and fault proof monitoring commercial buildings in California, Energy and Buildings. Volume 42, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 967-975 .
27. 【SCI】 Peng Xu, Yu Joe Huang, Norman Miller, Nicole Schlegel, Pengyuan Shen. Impact of climate change on California building heating and cooling energy patterns in California. Journal of Energy. 2012
26. 【EI】 Peng Xu, Jinming Hou and Dengkuo Yuan.Fault Diagnosis for Building Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System based on Analysis of Energy Loss.Advanced Materials Research. Vols.805-806,pp. 93-98. 2013.
25. 【EI】 Peng Xu, Ying Ji.Load Superposition and Shifting Method with Simulation tools for Energy Planning and the Case Analysis.
24. 【SCI】 Rongxin Yin, Peng Xu, Pengyuan Shen. Case study: Energy savings from solar window film in two commercial buildings in Shanghai. Energy and Buildings, Volume 45, February 2012, Pages 132-140.
23. 【SCI】 Jingran Ma, Joe Qin, Timothy Salabury, Peng Xu. Demand reduction in building energy systems based on economic model predictive control. Journal of Chemical Engineering Science. 2012.
22. Peng Xu, Yu Joe Huang. Monitoring and evaluation of building and heating system energy performance of a residential building district in Tianjin China. Technical report to the World Bank Heat Reform and Building Energy Efficiency Program. Tianjin. 2009.
21. Peng Xu, Leah Zagreus. Demand shifting with thermal mass in light and heavy mass commercial buildings. ASHRAE Transactions. ASHRAE Transaction. Vol. 115, Part I. Louisville. 2009.
20. Rongxin Yin, Peng Xu, Sila Kiliccote, Mary Ann Piette. 2009. Auto-DR and Pre-cooling of Commercial Buildings in Hot Climate Zone. Technical report to Southern California Edision. 2009.
19. Peng Xu, Yu Joe Huang, Norman L. Miller, Nicole J. Schlegel. Effects of global climate change on building energy consumption and its implications on building energy codes and policy in California. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report to California Energy Commission. 2008.
18. Anthony Radspieler, Peng Xu, Seawater Source Cooling for Air Conditioning Commercial Buildings, Technical report to the California Energy Commission, 2008.
17. Peng Xu, Joe Huang. Measured energy performance of a US-China demonstration energy-efficient commercial building. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 113, Part 1. DA-07-007. 2007.
16. Philip Haves, Moosung Kim, Massieh Najafi, Peng Xu. (Authors in alphabetic order). A Semi-automated commissioning tool for VAV air handling units: functional test analyzer. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 113, Part 1. DA-07-040. 2007.
15. Peng Xu, Philip Haves. The Building Controls Virtual Test Bed – a Simulation Environment for Developing and Testing Control Algorithms, Strategies and Systems. Proceeding of Building Simulation ’07, Beijing, PR China, September. 2007.
14. Peng Xu, Philip Haves. Case study of demand shifting with thermal mass in two large commercial buildings. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol 112, Part 1. CH-06-07-4. 2006.
13. Mary Ann Piette, David Watson, Nayoya Motegi, Sila Kiliccote, Peng Xu. Automated Critical Peak Pricing Field Tests: Program Description and Results. A technical report to the PG&E and California Institute for Energy and the Environment. Berkeley, CA. LBNL-59351. 2006.
12. Peng Xu, Leah Zeagrus. Demand shifting with thermal mass in light and heavy mass commercial buildings. LBNL report to California Energy Commission. Berkeley, CA.: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-61172. 2006.
11. Peng Xu, Philip Haves, Dimitri Curtil. A library of HVAC component models for use in automated diagnostics. Proceedings of SimBuild 2006. Cambridge, MS. IBPSA-USA. 2006.
10. Peng Xu. evaluation of demand shifting Strategies with thermal mass in two large commercial buildings. Proceedings of SimBuild 2006. Cambridge, MS. IBPSA-USA. 2006.
9. Peng Xu, Philip Haves, and Moosung Kim, Model-based automated functional testing-methodology and application to air handling units. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol 111. OR-05-13-4. 2005.
8. Peng Xu,Shelly Miller, Impact of environmental factors on efficacy of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 39; No. 24; pp. 9656. 2005.
7. Peng Xu,Philip Haves, A model reference library for HVAC secondary systems. Proceedings of 13th National Conference on Building Commissioning.New York City, NY. 2005.
6. Peng Xu, Philip Haves, Mary Ann Piette, James Braun, Peak demand reduction from pre-cooling with zone temperature reset of HVAC in an office. Proceedings of 2004 American council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE). ACEEE summer study on energy efficiency in buildings. Pacific Grove, CA. LBNL-55800. 2004.
5. Peng Xu, Philip Haves, Joe Deringer, A simulation-based testing and training environment for HVAC controls. Proceedings of international building performance simulation association-Simbuild2004. Boulder, CO. IBPSA-USA. LBNL-5580. 2004.
4. Peng Xu, Moosung Kim, and Philip Haves, Field tests of model based component level HVAC fault detection method. LBNL Report to CaliforniaEnergy Commission. Berkeley, CA.: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 2003.
3. Peng Xu, Philip Haves, Field testing of component-level model-based faults detection methods for HVAC mixing boxes and VAV fan systems. Proceedings of 2002 American council for an Energy Efficient
2. Peng Xu, Moosung Kim and Philip Haves, Software Toolbox for HVAC Component-Level Model-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis Methods. LBNL report to California energy commission. Berkeley, CA.: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 2002.
1. Peng Xu and Philip Haves, Library of component reference models for fault detection (AHU and chiller). LBNL report to California energy commission. Berkeley, CA.: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. 2001.