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访妥思空调设备(苏州)有限公司亚太区董事经理彼特 琼斯特

来源:不详 作者:admin 2007-05-28 21:15:48


Interview of the Managing Director of TROX APO, Mr. Pieter Jooste

“我们把妥思亚太地区总部设在中国, 是因为中国是世界经济的脉搏。作为最有活力,最具挑战性的一个大市场,只有完全溶入中国,才能真正感受和经历这一切。要立足于中国,妥思的目标是要创造一流的技术、一流的品质、和一流的服务。” 妥思空调设备(苏州)有限公司亚太区董事经理彼特 琼斯特先生接受记者采访时如是说。

“ The reason why we have decided to set up the regional headquarter of TROX APO in China is I believe the pulse of the world economy is here in China. As the most dynamic and also the most challenging market in the world, you need to be here to experience it. TROX China’s goal is to be the No. 1 in technology, quality, and service,” said Mr. Pieter Jooste, Managing Director of TROX APO when interviewed by us.

妥思总部坐落在德国的纽克芬林。自1951年创立至今, 妥思设计、开发和生产各类风口、气水系统、过滤器、风量调节阀、消声器、防火阀、工业阀、实验室变风量控制系统等通风空调末端设备。 一直以来, 妥思以改善人类的室内环境为己任,运用自身的科技实力,不断研制和开发新产品,推动了整个空调行业标准的前进。如今,妥思在世界各地拥有13个生产基地, 43家销售分公司,这使它能成为本行业的领军者,把高技术的优质产品的提供给客户。

The headquarter of TROX GROUP is located in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany. Since 1951, TROX has been designing, developing and also producing various kinds of technology products, like air diffusers, air to water system, filter units, control units, attenuators, fire dampers, smoke detectors and lab control systems. TROX has dedicated itself to the mission of environment improvement. With its own advanced technology, TROX has continuously developed new products and boosted the development of the whole air conditioning industry standards. TROX has 13 manufacturing facilities and 43 sales subsidiaries worldwide. This enables TROX to play a global leading role in supplying both technology and product quality to customers.

No. 1 in Technology


During its development history of 55 years, TROX has always been highly regarded for its technology. Every year, TROX spends 7% of the group sales volume to its R&D function. This ensures that engineers can develop new products of less noise, less energy consumption and more environmental friendly. Technology has become the core competitiveness of TROX worldwide. For example, the latest fire damper we developed for Beijing metro can operate for 4 hours at 1000℃. TROX China also has its own R&D team and introduced into China the most advanced testing facilities. We brought technology from overseas to China; on the other side, we are designing products tailor-made for the Chinese market. Meanwhile, we have made cooperation with universities, like Tongji University and also take part in the standard setting for the industry together with experts in this area. Our Marketing and Technology director, Dr. Guo is a renowned expert in the Chinese HVAC industry.

No. 1 in Quality and Service


TROX Group is using the same quality standard for all manufacturing plants. Quality makes the brand. TROX China has applied strict quality control to bring overseas quality and service standards to China. TROX China also launched an overall quality management system(TQM), which includes controls of all aspects, from raw material, production processes, to customer service, on-site service and delivery. All aspects of the business processes are subjected to TQM. We have a number of sample projects in China now, like Pudong airport, Shenzhen exhibition center, Suzhou exhibition center, and Nanjing metro. TROX has been recognized in China for its good quality in product and service. Our brand image and market share, reflects our success in the Chinese market.

No. 1 in Management
妥思的中国的管理理念可以用一句话概括: “以国际化的思方式去思考,以本土化的方式去执行。”人才是公司最重要的竞争力。妥思中国给员工提供了培训的机会,加强与妥思在国外子公司、兄弟公司的交流,分享他们的经验,开拓了视野,丰富了思想。彼特 琼斯特先生认为,作为一家外资企业,在管理上要有四个基本理念----信任、沟通、公平和责任心。财富500强企业有96家在苏州有工厂,需要大量高素质的人才。“为了吸引和留住高素质的人才,我们要给予员工更多的机会,充分承认员工的价值,创造更好的工作环境,给予员工更多的知情权。我们把西方的管理方法和国际经验带到中国,同时也从中国学到了适用于国外的许多管理知识。

Management concept of TROX China can be summarized into one sentence: “Think Globally, and act locally.” Human recourse is also one of our core competitiveness. TROX China provides training to staff, let them share experience and knowledge with other subsidiaries within TROX Group, which broaden their horizon and enrich their thinking. Mr. Pieter Jooste has remarked that as a foreign company, we need 4 things to secure our success in management ---- trust, communication, fairness and commitment. As we can find that 96 companies among Fortune 500 companies have invested in SIP, Suzhou, the market demand for skilled staff is very high. “ To attract and retain qualified people, we need to provide more opportunities to them, recognize their value, provide a better work environment, give them regular update’s about company performance. We are bringing external experiences into China, but we also learned a lot from China, which is worthwhile to use in other overseas operations.

No. 1 in Strategy

妥思中国的战略布局如下:1998年,妥思公司在上海设立驻华代表处。2001年,妥思空调设备(苏州)有限公司正式注册。接下来又分别建立了上海办事处, 北京办事处和广州办事处。2003年,妥思空调设备(苏州)有限公司迁到苏州工业园区蒌葑开发区的新址。“妥思会有很好的发展前景,我们在华有30个代理商,每年销售额以35%的幅度在增长。中国是妥思亚太区投资重点,我们会整合妥思亚太区的资源开发中国市场,提供给客户更多的增值服务。到2008年,苏州工厂的生产能力将翻一番,” 彼特 琼斯特先生说,“这样可以保持妥思在暖通行业的领先地位,提供出适应中国客户本土需求的高质量,高技术的产品。

A summary of TROX China’s strategic decisions are: In 1998, TROX set up a representative office in Shanghai. In 2001, TROX Air Conditioning Components (Suzhou) Co., Ltd was sep up. Then 3 sales offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing followed. In 2003, TROX moved its factory to it current location. “We have 30 agents now in China. TROX China has a good future with a year on year of 35% increase in our sales volume. TROX China is the core of our APO structure, we will optimize all resources to develop the Chinese market and provide more value-added service to our customers. By 2008, TROX China will double its manufacturing capacity, “ said Mr. Pieter Jooste, “this will enable TROX to stay as the market leader in providing high technology products to satisfy local needs and requirements of our Chinese customers.

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